Rockland Veteran's Services is looking for donations to help grow their Veterans Donations Fund which will be used to help a veteran that is in financial need. Support paying a bill or providing a weeks-worth of groceries are a few examples of many that donations will help!
Tim White, Veterans Agent
Stephen Joyce, Assistant Veterans Agent
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 781-871-1874, ext. 1180
Veteran's Services addresses issues regarding veterans and their spouses. Veterans’ Services provides financial benefits to those in need, for living expenses, prescriptions, and more. The department coordinates veterans' programs such as Memorial Day observances and placing flags on the veterans' plaques. They file Federal benefits for those who were injured while on active duty, for compensation, as well as pension. They maintain communication with the various VA Medical Hospitals for the veterans.
Veteran Owned Business Project is the official FREE directory of over 37,000 U.S. businesses owned by veterans, United States active-duty military, reservists and service-disabled veterans (DVBE/SDVOSB) of the United States Army, Air Force (USAF), Marines (USMC), Navy (USN), Coast Guard (USCG) and National Guard. There is absolutely no cost to use Veteran Owned Business (.com) and there is no cost to become a member and get your business' profile. View the directory to learn more: Veteran Owned Business Directory
Tim White, Veterans Agent
Stephen Joyce, Assistant Veterans Agent
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 781-871-1874, ext. 1180
Veteran's Services addresses issues regarding veterans and their spouses. Veterans’ Services provides financial benefits to those in need, for living expenses, prescriptions, and more. The department coordinates veterans' programs such as Memorial Day observances and placing flags on the veterans' plaques. They file Federal benefits for those who were injured while on active duty, for compensation, as well as pension. They maintain communication with the various VA Medical Hospitals for the veterans.
Veteran Owned Business Project is the official FREE directory of over 37,000 U.S. businesses owned by veterans, United States active-duty military, reservists and service-disabled veterans (DVBE/SDVOSB) of the United States Army, Air Force (USAF), Marines (USMC), Navy (USN), Coast Guard (USCG) and National Guard. There is absolutely no cost to use Veteran Owned Business (.com) and there is no cost to become a member and get your business' profile. View the directory to learn more: Veteran Owned Business Directory
The Open Space Committee wanted to establish a “Ribbon of Green” around Rockland and connect neighboring towns. The McCarthy Farm Project does both. Here’s the backstory:
The Open Space Committee, led by Chairman Donald Cann, Conservation Commission, and volunteers formed a potent project team in order to acquire 36.3 acres of McCarthy Farm from local developer Beech Hill Park LLC. The developer had signed a purchase and sale agreement with the landowner, The Louise McCarthy Living Trust. The Town of Rockland had a right of first refusal to purchase the land located in the southwest corner of Rockland near the Hanson town line. They did not want to pass on an opportunity to permanently protect the expansive space!
The project moved at rocket speed as the Town of Rockland had time constraints to close the $930,000 purchase of land. The opportunity to buy the property and secure a state grant would expire by the May 2022 Annual Town Meeting.
The Town of Rockland applied for a $400,000 Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity (LAND) Grant by the Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs. Additional funding sources would come from the Community Preservation Act - Open Space Reserve, Community Preservation Act - Fund Balance, and Stabilization Fund.
At a Special Town Meeting on September 13, 2021, residents unanimously voted to allow the purchase of McCarthy Farm as long as the Town could secure the state grant. Fortunately, the Town of Rockland was awarded the $400k LAND Grant on September 21st. A final hearing with the Board of Selectmen (BOS) took place in early October to “consider whether the Town of Rockland will exercise/assign its statutory option” to purchase McCarthy Farm. The vote was unanimously approved by the BOS. The land is proudly owned by Rockland and registered with Plymouth County Registry of Deeds.
The Open Space Committee, led by Chairman Donald Cann, Conservation Commission, and volunteers formed a potent project team in order to acquire 36.3 acres of McCarthy Farm from local developer Beech Hill Park LLC. The developer had signed a purchase and sale agreement with the landowner, The Louise McCarthy Living Trust. The Town of Rockland had a right of first refusal to purchase the land located in the southwest corner of Rockland near the Hanson town line. They did not want to pass on an opportunity to permanently protect the expansive space!
The project moved at rocket speed as the Town of Rockland had time constraints to close the $930,000 purchase of land. The opportunity to buy the property and secure a state grant would expire by the May 2022 Annual Town Meeting.
The Town of Rockland applied for a $400,000 Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity (LAND) Grant by the Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs. Additional funding sources would come from the Community Preservation Act - Open Space Reserve, Community Preservation Act - Fund Balance, and Stabilization Fund.
At a Special Town Meeting on September 13, 2021, residents unanimously voted to allow the purchase of McCarthy Farm as long as the Town could secure the state grant. Fortunately, the Town of Rockland was awarded the $400k LAND Grant on September 21st. A final hearing with the Board of Selectmen (BOS) took place in early October to “consider whether the Town of Rockland will exercise/assign its statutory option” to purchase McCarthy Farm. The vote was unanimously approved by the BOS. The land is proudly owned by Rockland and registered with Plymouth County Registry of Deeds.

McCarthy Farm conservation area became open to the public on October 21, 2022! Town of Rockland is thankful to Rockland residents and taxpayers who supported this important open space acquisition. McCarthy Farm's open space will help protect the environment and preserve our community character for generations to come. Pictured in the ribbon-cutting photo (left to right): Town Administrator Doug Lapp, Selectboard member Lori Childs, Joanne Donnelly (back; Open Space Committee); Vanessa Farney (MA Division of Conservation Service); Kathy Kirby (Open Space Committee); Donald Cann (Chairman, Open Space Committee); Mike Bromberg (back; Open Space Committee); Pam Titus (Open Space Commitee); George Anderson (Open Space Committee); and Mike O'Loughlin (Chairman, Board of Selectmen).
View McCarthy Farm Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. (
View McCarthy Farm Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. (
It was all-hands-on-deck at McCarthy Farm to meet requirements by The Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity (LAND) Grant. Work included:
The conservation area will be used for passive recreation, hiking, cross country skiing, and much more. The Open Space Committee continues its work with the Board of Selectmen, Highway Department, Conservation Commission, and other departments to complete the project. The space will be amazing, environmentally protected, and greatly improved for residents and visitors to enjoy for years to come! Congratulations to the McCarthy Farm project team. A phenomenal job was performed. Carly Signs & Designs designed, cut to shape, primed, finish coated & lettered this gorgeous sign recently installed at McCarthy Farm with the help of the Rockland Highway Department. |

August 24, 2021: Public Information Meeting Regarding McCarthy Farm Purchase
September 4, 2021: A 'Ribbon of green': Rockland to push land purchase at special town meeting
Don Cann said the farm, across from the recycling center at the southwest end of town, would help create a "ribbon of green" around the town's borders. The land is near open space in Whitman, Rockland and Hanover.
September 13, 2021: Special Town Meeting Rockland votes to buy farm for open space - The Boston Globe
“I’m very happy,” Open Space Committee Chair Donald Cann said after the vote. “It fits with our open space plan, which is to create a green ribbon around town and connect with our neighboring towns’ open space. It really works.”
September 21, 2021: Baker-Polito Administration Awards over $10 Million for Park and Open Space Projects |
The Town of Rockland announces they have received a $400,000 grant from the state for the acquisition of the 36.3-acre McCarthy Farm. Board of Selectmen Chairman Mike O’Loughlin received the formal grant award from Governor Charlie Baker at a ceremony held in Lowell, MA.
Rockland scores $400,000 grant, sets final hearing for purchase of former McCarthy Farm
Open Space Committee Chairman Don Cann said if the selectmen vote for the purchase, it will be a "cornerstone" for open space in the town.
"A lot of people did a lot of work on this and I'm certainly thankful for all the effort of volunteers and town officials," he said.
Legal Notice
Selectmen October 5,2021: Public Hearing on the McCarthy Farm open space land acquisition. Unanimous approval.
October 5th Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2021: A 'Ribbon of green': Rockland to push land purchase at special town meeting
Don Cann said the farm, across from the recycling center at the southwest end of town, would help create a "ribbon of green" around the town's borders. The land is near open space in Whitman, Rockland and Hanover.
September 13, 2021: Special Town Meeting Rockland votes to buy farm for open space - The Boston Globe
“I’m very happy,” Open Space Committee Chair Donald Cann said after the vote. “It fits with our open space plan, which is to create a green ribbon around town and connect with our neighboring towns’ open space. It really works.”
September 21, 2021: Baker-Polito Administration Awards over $10 Million for Park and Open Space Projects |
The Town of Rockland announces they have received a $400,000 grant from the state for the acquisition of the 36.3-acre McCarthy Farm. Board of Selectmen Chairman Mike O’Loughlin received the formal grant award from Governor Charlie Baker at a ceremony held in Lowell, MA.
Rockland scores $400,000 grant, sets final hearing for purchase of former McCarthy Farm
Open Space Committee Chairman Don Cann said if the selectmen vote for the purchase, it will be a "cornerstone" for open space in the town.
"A lot of people did a lot of work on this and I'm certainly thankful for all the effort of volunteers and town officials," he said.
Legal Notice
Selectmen October 5,2021: Public Hearing on the McCarthy Farm open space land acquisition. Unanimous approval.
October 5th Meeting Minutes
The Community Preservation Act (CPA) helps communities preserve open space and historic sites, create affordable housing, and develop outdoor recreational facilities. In recent years the CPA Committee has funded several projects with great support from the Town of Rockland and residents, including the restoration and rehabilitation of Rockland’s Almshouse Tramp House - a top historic preservation project by the Rockland Historical Commission. Rockland based contractor, Karen McDermot of RedTail Construction, will lead the project renovation. Antique renovations are her specialty. Work will begin in the spring of 2022. The committee anticipates the project to be complete during the summertime.
"Erected in 1876, the Tramp House provided shelter for Rockland's indigent population and those who were traveling through the town. The Almshouse and Tramp House are important reminders of Rockland's community concern for the poor and indigent and represented the charitable spirit of a town blessed by the success and development of the shoe industry in the 19th century. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Almshouse and Tramp House are important priorities for the Rockland Historical Commission and are valuable pieces of Rockland's rich historic heritage."
Rockland Historic Commission
James Paul, Peter Dow, Pamela Ryan, Tom Reagan
Rockland Historic Commission
James Paul, Peter Dow, Pamela Ryan, Tom Reagan

alms_tramp-national_register_of_historic_places_inventory.pdf |